Corrupt Communication

Scripture Reading - Ephesians 4:29-32 KJV

29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.
30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:
32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

Reading from today’s verse 29 it is clear that the believer should not let “corrupt communication” come from their mouth. The church has always benefitted from the written Word of God revealed from the scriptures and in these verses the Apostle Paul was speaking directly to the disciples of Christ. It is one thing to hear the good Word of God but it is an entirely different matter to understand what you are hearing. One great thing about the Holy Bible is that it will interpret itself when reading similar scriptures and when we read the statements, commandments, teachings and principles in their proper context. Like in today’s reading the word “corrupt communication” is expounded upon in the two following verses (30 & 31). First we understand from verse 30 that “corrupt communication” grieves the Holy Spirit. So when we speak words of “corruptness” it disturbs the Presence of God. This would be like cursing in front of your Pastor or Priest. If that sounds bad to you, “Why would so many Christians do this in front of Jesus and the Holy Spirit because they are ever present with us?” In the next verse 31 we get a clearer picture of what “corrupt communication” is by specific examples that we all deal with in this earth. Yes, we are to avoid words of bitterness because they poison the soul. Resist all hateful words of wrath and anger because they work against God’s Love. Whether the believer is slightly angered about something or they reach the extent where they are in full blown wrath when they have loss all Godly reason or anywhere between on that sliding scale is contra-love (contrary to love), thus it is sin. Clamoring words carry no substance but are always heard in the background but background noise always takes away from clearly hearing the truth for better understanding. We all know that evil speaking must be silenced because it is basically speaking the words of devil. Saying something wrong could be considered a mistake but lying, deceiving, cursing others and speaking words of unbelief that are against God’s Holy Word is evil speaking on earth and forbidden in Heaven. These words carry a strong negative force that helps to establish Satan’s kingdom on this earth, therefore no such speaking should come from our lips. When the scripture instructs us to put away all “corrupt communication” with all malice it is basically saying don’t say wicked things and surely don’t have an evil heart motivating your words. Truthfully speaking we are not to try to resist evil from coming from our lips but rather have (and keep) a heart full of kindness and tenderness toward others as mentioned in verse 32. Since we always forgive others as Christ forgave us we have no good Jesus reason to harbor hate (or malice) toward God’s beloved creation in the form of men and woman upon the earth. When people wrong us through sin we take our burden unto the Lord and ask for His Grace to forgive them in the Love of God and at that moment we wholeheartedly receive this grace and mercy by faith. Possessing a heart full of God’s Love (in the Greek it is called agape love) will keep us from speaking any “corrupt communication” because out of the abundance of the heart our mouths speaks. Just let your communication be one of God’s Love to quench any “corrupt communication” from coming out of your mouth. Although we (ihlcc) know this can be a challenge we also know that we (all Christians) have the victory through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen!